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Friday, November 20, 2009

Want a job? Move to Nebraska.

This SITE has a graphic view of the unemployment picture in the Unites States from 2004 - 2009. Right now, Florida, Michigan, California and Arizona are bleeding red. But Nebraska is job heaven!

Right click on the graphic at the SITE to zoom and pan.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Greenblatt Magic Formula Returns

On October 19, Joel Greenblatt presented at the Value Investing Congress. Greenblatt is an acclaimed value investor and philanthropist.

His presentation explained the Magic Formula which was first presented in his best selling book titled The Little Book That Beats the Market which was published about 4 years ago.

The video can be watched HERE. Be sure to first download his slide presentation which goes with the video. The slides can be obtained HERE.

If you had followed his methodology, then over the last 10 years your return would have been 288% versus -1.5% for the S&P 500. Even over the last three years, which to say the least have been difficult, the Magic Formula total return would be +15% versus -15% for the S&P 500.

His Magic Formula website is HERE.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

India goes for the gold!

India's central bank bought 200 tons of gold from the IMF reserves. It is equivalent to 8% of annual world production of gold.

India's finance minister said: "We have money to buy gold. We have enough foreign exchange reserves."

What? They don't want paper dollars!

Gold closed at $1084 today - up almost 3%.

Er, or is it the case that the dollar fell in value 3%?

What yard stick should I use? I am so confused.

Full article HERE.